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A big thank you to everyone who has supported us in our challenges and other fund raising events, please book mark us to keep up to date with our other challenges and fund raising events.

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The Flutter Buy

By Debbie Thrower

On Saturday 20 July 2013 at Gayton Social Club, 1st Gayton Rangers held a fundraising event called ‘The Flutter Buy’ to raise money for Megan’s Challenge.

The girls had been very busy and creative putting a lot of time, thought and imagination into this event. They had games such as ‘Pin the Butterfly’ and ‘Bat the Bug’ which were great fun. They also had a stall of things to buy with addition of various butterfly items such as hair accessories, photo frames and jewellery etc. they had made.  Also there was a very popular lucky dip and face painting.  Refreshments were on sale which included homemade butterfly cakes, butterfly biscuits, tea and coffee.

In two hours they raised the brilliant amount of £135.00 – well done.

A big THANK YOU from Megan’s Challenge to the Rangers for organising the event and to those who came and supported it.

L-R  Zoe Holiday, Imogen Morris, Gabby Eggleton, Charlotte Morris, Jane Foreman, Jessica Petch and Katie Beck